Monday, March 1, 2010
New sweater!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Re-knitting.. bleh!
I think this KAL really has shown me my weaknesses as a knitter. I rely on the pattern too much, I rely on a picture of the finished project so I know what the hell the thing is supposed to look like.
So I had to knit back on this shawl about 7 rounds because I can't drop lace weight yarn strands and feel good enough about picking up all of those tiny little stitches. Right now it is only about 6 inches across and I have about 160 live stitches going. Ridiculous!
Cool little trick: if you are uncomfortable with a pattern, get to a point you feel may be difficult (or make it a point to do it every 10 rounds, you pick), and thread your yarn needle with dental floss. Then go ahead and thread that floss through every live stitch on your needles. It makes a nice safe place in case you mess up, that you can rip your yarn (gently!) back to. If you chose to use this tip, here is another: mark on your pattern or chart which row you inserted the floss at, so you can fall back to the right point in the pattern! Ok, enough of the wise woman act.
Since this sucker is a mystery, I will post pictures of it when it is done, to honor the creator of the pattern's wishes in her mystery KAL.
Ok back to fighting with yarn smaller then dental floss!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wraps- or my fight with a sock
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Broken camera saddness
The kit is made for toe up knitting, and it is supposed to be for two at a time socks, but I really favor one at a time on double points, that is the way I roll. Hopefully I will be able to get my camera fixed soon and show some progress on here.
It is nice to be back. Tomorrow I get to weigh myself, bleh. I hope I didn't retain water (gain weight) this week. See ya.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The only reason a Five Hour Project took me 2 weeks is because I was unmotivated with all those ugly seams hanging off of it. This weekend I made another set of mitts and they really only took five hours.
So maybe I have found out how to get over another hurdle in my own procrastination- make everything neat. Maybe I need to clean my house..
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Screamin' about Seaming
Self answered back, suprisingly quickly. "Yeah Kendal, you never Seam anything until you are done knitting the item. It makes one project into two projects, and the way you are stressing lately, it is no wonder you aren't finishing anything.. mutter mutter.."
Self has a rude streak. But she is right. I tend to work through a project until it is time to assemble it and then I look with dismay at all the stringy little ends hanging everywhere and I decide it is a good time to alphabetize my cookbooks, or give the dog a bath. Anything but a daunting project. It is funny, it only takes 20 or 30 minutes, but it seems like climbing Mt. Everest.
When I get to the finishing of a project, I want the sense of completion, not a gut twist sensation I am feeling when I finish projects now.
So, I made a little experiment. Self got to be the beautiful assistant. When I finished the first of my two items for my super secret project, Self reminded me to seem right then. So I did, even though I thought matching all the mystery socks in my laundry may be more fun. When I finished wrestling all five dangly pieces of evil yarn into place, I got that sense of completion! I haven't had that in a while. It makes me motivated to start the second piece to this project.
I'll post a picture when I have it done!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
OMG Where have I been?
On a happy note, I made a resolution to get in shape and have made it half way to my goal already! Pretty good feeling.
I hope everyone is having a good New Year so far.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
2 finished projects
Monday, July 27, 2009
Good Day!
This evening is what I am happy about. I made a really good dinner, I made my own alfredo sauce! I finished my food off with a cold white peach. It was so good and juicy! Then, well I didn't get to knit, but I was able to wind up my yarn for a baby sweater I owe a mommy.
My evening closed with the nicest 30 minute walk with Lucy. Not only was it a cool, beautiful evening with the nicest golden sunset; Lucy was really good on her walk! She hardly pulled at all.. and she listened to me! When she was pulling, I would give her a little pop with the leash and make a negative noise at her. She would listen and watch me, and she was still enjoying herself.
Then I watched my husbando and Lu play with her fuzzy buddy toy on the carpet. They are both so cute to watch!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Witch Socks

Have you ever seen the movie or read the book Witches by Roald Dahl? It is a children's book that used to really freak me out. The witches pose as everyday people, but they don't have toes. They turned some kid into a mouse and wanted to destroy all children. But the scary part is the no toes. I made Witch Socks! Oh, and the witches wear wigs because they are bald, scary, demony, hags.
So after I grafted my sock toes together, I lost a whole hour of time ungrafting them and then reattaching the yarn ends and completing the sock until the toe looks like a toe actually fits inside it.
That's all.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lazy day
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Fun weekend
Monday, July 6, 2009
Knitting Again
(The pattern spreads to the bottom of the sock)
These reverse monkeys are made toe up, and I didn't change the pattern, so it is backward:
I really like the colors. They are nice to work on for my lunch break or when my car pool buddy is driving. That is the only time I have for knitting right now, mainly because Lucy the carpet shark keeps me so busy.
I got brave and downloaded The Shining to my iTunes. I don't particularly care for Mr. King, but I really liked this one.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A New Family Member!
Here is the big news.. no I am not pregnant. But I am getting a new small friend! Meet Lucy, my new puppy! Lucy is 6 weeks old, so we don't get to take her home for a couple of weeks. She is a Jack Russel Terrier/Chihuahua mix. We found her today at the Merced SPCA. I wasn't going to put a deposit on a puppy today, but I fell in love. There were 3 little girls at the shelter from the same litter. One was not interested in us at all, the other one we didn't choose was a little too wild, very distracted (and no we were not asking for an hour of attention, only like a minute). Lucy was very calm. When we held her, she was very interested in being with us, and she wanted just to be in my lap or next to my face or chewing on my fingers.

So this is when this gets a little bit more. More what? More puppies! We put our deposit on Lucy and left, and then I texted everyone I know and husbando's parents called us and wanted one too! So we got to pick out a second puppy for them. We sent them texts and told his parents about the other two puppy's personalities. It took a while for them to decide, but it was great because I got to snuggle some more with Lucy. The whole time this determination was going on, she was climbing all over my lap, trying to lick my face or just snuggling into my arms. She did not want to be on the ground, she did not want to play with the other puppies other than chew on them. It was a great time just sitting there and being with Lucy.

OK Back to the cleaning of the house. Have to get it ready for the new family member. Oh.. no yarn anything in the past month, I don't even know where my circular needles are. I know where all my beautiful yarn is.. all over the spare room!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
We are in the process of moving from the apartment to our first house! I won't be able to be any kind of consistent with the blog for the next 2-3 weeks, but I will try to post some pictures of our house, the new colors are beautiful. I will do some before-after pictures. It is quite a process. First we have to paint, clean, and move things from our local storage unit to the garage. Then, we have to pick up things we have left all over Northern California. Apparently, I have a whole room full of stuff at my parents house: our wedding china and breakable stuff.. yarn, go figure.. summer clothes and shoes, a whole bathroom of shampoos, TP, towels, face soaps and such. Then husbando has the same at his parents house. THEN.. we still have a storage unit in Sacramento. We are going to have a big arse garage sale once we go through all this stuff and find out we have 5 of everything.
I am very impressed with husbando. I didn't know he was so handy with the tools. I thought he was more of a thinker, and now I am finding he is very much a do-er. So far, he has installed a ceiling fan, installed a new chandelier, new lights everywhere, new vent for the AC, and mowed the lawn, other than painting with the family, re-boring the water spigots in the front and back, installing new door hardware.. can I say I am impressed?
So, needless to say, not much yarn happenings this past week. I have half of the baby sweater done, but it won't be done for the shower, so I am going the gift card route, and then put a picture of the sweater inside a card.
Have a happy week!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Starbucks-In-A-Jar Drama
On the way into the office, I opened the bottle, drank some of the Starbucks and ever so casually slipped it into my knitting bag. Why did I do that?? Oh the misery! The pain! The sticky yarn! Yes, the bottle tipped and leaked.. leaked all over my friends baby sweater!
I don't know what to do about this one.. I think she may be getting a gift certificate for her shower present instead of the sweater.
On the upside, I got to go home early today, and I got some overtime too!
On the up-upside, we get our house tomorrow! Woo!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
You have Died of Dysentary (No yarn in this post!)
So I went back.. Way back.. to Zork! Yes, Zork: The Great Underground Empire, was the first video game I ever played. It was released in (don't quote me) 1979, and I played it when it was obsolete, 9 years after it was made. Zork came on floppy disks, it was played solely by typing to navigate your way through the maze of text-descriptive rooms. My friends and I would draw maps of Zork. I am not sure we ever won it, but it was very fun.. so long as you didn't get eaten by the Grue!
After that for me was Oregon Trail (reference already been made), Montezuma's Revenge, Jungle Hunt, Dig Dug..
Then onto Nintendo! Oh NES, how I loved thee. The only game I ever beat was Mario Brothers II.
Then Super Nintendo.. And for some reason I am now hooked on Harvest Moon. I downloaded an emulator (and no, I am not going to tell you how to do it or where or any of that such, I am not sure of their distribution copyright stuff) for Super NES,and I am having a blast wasting my time.
Does anyone remember Jones in the Fast Lane? There is an external link from this site so you can try it out if you were not so fortunate to have it in the 90's.
These were my favorite old school games. Then there are RPGs and all that happening of the inner nerd running amok in my life.. but that is another story.
Happy gaming!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hockey, My troubles with Legalese, and some Gratuitous Yarn Shots
Let me vent quickly about my troubles with legalese, or legal writing. I am a creative person. I never was the greatest essay writer, and if you have made it through more than one of my blog posts, you probably can tell that it is a good thing I have a day job.. "Therefore, your request is not in alignment with our goals for ____" Therefore.. according to the merits of your case.. you are not in compliance with the requirements stated therein.. It really just isn't my style. Oh well.
And now.. What am I working on? Well, let me tell you! I am making the cutest baby boy hoodie ever! My best friend's daughter had one made for her in white, and I have been looking for this pattern for a while. Here is a link to the Robin Hood Sweater, by Zoe Mellor and her book Adorable Knits for Tots:
There are some beautiful cable crosses in this pattern, and other than the easy moss stitch on the edges, it is only a 4 row pattern. You can see a beautiful finished object on Jennifer's Website:
Here is the photo I have so far. I am hoping to finish the back tomorrow. This next week, we are going to be working on getting paint, and painting our new house!! Also, I have to get up at 4:00 for work on Wednesday and Thursday, so no promises on hearing from me this week, but I will try. Have a great week!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Pup Sweater, Food Dilemmas & Hockey, Oh My!
Working on a little baby shower surprise for one of my friends. She is having a boy! Ah babies, what a good excuse to start a new project. I got a nice cotton blend yarn in navy for the project out of my stash.
It was yarn for husbando's sweater, but that is on hold because he is exercising and changing sizes, so I do not want to put effort into a sweater that will be too big for him by the time he is all done resizing himself.
Headache all weekend.. I don't know if it is allergies or sick, but it is definitely sinus, and there is drainage (Yeah you really wanted to hear that!) and pain.
Nothing tastes good due to this stupid clogging. I have tried to tantalize myself with an asian salad (bad dressing brand choice, ruined the salad).. bbq pizza.. chocolate.. really healthy right? Nothing is good. Ooh. A thought. Be right back.
*********Intermission Music***********
Ok. Making Ramen. When all else fails, go basic. Much better.
San Jose Sharks vs. Anaheim Ducks.. 1,1. Go Sharks! Never knew I was a hockey fan until the beginning of this season. I like the skating and the play better than the blocking and the fighting. Hockey is a hard sport! It is constant sprinting, very aggressive; you have to be tough, athletic and quick thinking to play this game. Very impressive to watch. We have been lucky enough to get to a game, and we may be able to make a playoff game this year. 12 minutes left. See ya.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
V&L cont. + something I forgot
Yesterday I listened to the man talk on Lime and Violet and today I listened to the interesting travel talk. But the best part, other than the yarny talk, was the Intellectual property topic, about yarn patterns. Seriously, if you haven't listened to this Lime and Violet, and you are a fan of Knitty and what it represents, definitely listen to this podcast.
There is a link in the middle of the page. Snaps to you, Miss V, for bringing this up.
Another thing that I need to mention, and need to thank Trina for (Thanks Trina!) is about learning to knit. Since I am, well I am weird, no other way around that. Some people learn from books because they don't much like to make fools of themselves public until they are experts. That would be the category I fall into, so I try to teach myself things. However I have to say local yarn shops, craft centers and community centers that offer yarn classes can really be the way to go! Not only do you get help picking supplies and first patterns, you get hands on assistance through your first efforts. You have someone verbally and visually explaining it to you. So have a lot of fun and don't be afraid to make mistakes, that is how you learn! The idea I really want to get across to new knitters is that this new craft will probably be frustrating to them because it may not happen perfectly at first, but don't give up.
P.S. My Janet Shawl is Done!!! Perfect example of not giving up. Restarted a billion (probably 7) times, and started almost 2 years ago.. Just needs to be blocked! I decided to leave off the last ruffle edging for now, it is so pretty to me as is.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
L & V
So, if you aren't one of their 30,000+ listeners, and you have an mp3 player, give this and other knitting podcasts a shot. They are informative, give up to date info about yummy yarn and patterns, and many are just a nice shot of hilarity for your drive home. I like listening to Lime & Violet for new inspiration. They talk about patterns I have thought about making, cute sweaters like the Snow White Sweater:
(I have the pattern, just waiting..)
And give awesome links to the new things out on the internet for us to find.
My Janet Lace Shawl is ALMOST DONE! 2 more rows!!! I will post pictures of it tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
New Knitters
The best thing to do is get a basic book. Here are two:
The Knitting Handbook:
The Knitting Answer Book:
Basically, and many people have said this, Knitting is taking two sticks and some string and turning it into something else out of it. It is no longer yarn, it is a sweater or mittens or socks. If any of you have ever experienced this magic of creating something out of something else, well it is marvelous, and you just can't stop. So this is my warning and my disclosure about knitting.
Here is a pretty good You Tube video about how to knit, if you are a visual learner:
And if you want to explore the net, don't hesitate! There are tons of sites out there on knitting, you would be suprised!
One last link:
That one is for knitters and crocheters. It is a community for patterns, groups, friends, everything. If you haven't been there... go!
The parrot has the hiccups, see ya.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Need A Clutch Purse!
I hope you all enjoy the pattern and appreciate that this is my first pattern I have ever offered, and realize I am not a professional at this (AKA don't be too harsh with the criticism!).
Need a Clutch Purse!
You will need:
One skein (or more if you want some cool colors)
10 ½ U.S. Circular (16 inch) Knitting Needles
10 ½ U.S. Double Point Knitting Needles (2)
Tapestry Needle
Regular Thread and Needle
1 slip ring marker
Stitch Pattern:
It is a moss stitch pattern, two rows, piece o cake!
Round 1: *K1, P1… continue through round in pattern.
Round 2: *P1, K1… continue through round in pattern.
CO 40 stitches, join into round.
Start Stitch Pattern, continue in pattern for 2 inches.
Increasing Round:
K1, M1, continue in pattern for 18 stitches, M1, K1. Place Marker. K1, M1, continue in pattern for 18 stitches, M1, K1.
(Every Increasing Round is K1, M1, continue in pattern until 1 before marker, M1, K1. After Marker K1, M1, continue in pattern until 1 before marker, M1, K1)
Knit 4 rounds
Increase round
Do Pattern of knit 4 rounds, Increase round, 2 more times. (3 increase rounds total)
Decreasing Round:
(Every decreasing row will be SKP, continue in patterns to 2 stitches before marker, K2tog. SKP, continue in pattern to 2 stitches before marker, K2tog.)
Knit 4 in pattern rounds
Decreasing Round.
Continue in this pattern (if you like how it looks, or adjust the knitting and decreases to the shape you like) until clutch measures 6 ½ inches. Bind off in 3-needle bind off. Here is a good link to a 3-needle bind off (its at the bottom of the page):
I-Cord strap:
Cast on 5 stitches with double point needles. Knit an I-cord that measures 18 inches. Here is a good link to making an I-cord (again, towards the bottom of the page):
Sew the strap together using the yarn and a tapestry needle. The ends of the strap must face the same way. Sew the strap into the inside of the clutch on to one of the decrease sides.
Throw the clutch into the washer with a pair of old jeans. Turn the top loading washer (hint hint) onto hot, and let it run a cycle, you don’t have to put any detergent into it. Then just let the purse air dry. You can pin the purse to shape if you want to but I let mine free-dry, and did not get any drying wrinkles in mine.
Sew in the zipper:
Just find the shortest zipper you can (mine was 7 inches and I just folded it into the bag) and sew it in with regular thread and needle.
Enjoy: Do I really have to explain that one?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Moths and Fish Juice
Its like a horror movie. I move to my new place to live with the husbando, and there is a Moth.. outside my door.. Waiting. To eat my yarn.
So my life is really changing. My husband is on a mission to get some healthy into our life, AKA on my first day of work I will be getting up before the bum-crack of dawn to hit a gym-place with the husbando.
This morning we got up earlyish to try our routine, and the Moth was still outside! I looked closer and realized that the Moth was dead. Yay! My yarn is freed from it's oppression.
I have ripped back my circular shawl AGAIN. The lace-weight is starting to felt.. this is the last time and then I am putting it away for a year.
We got to put the puppy sweater on my cousin's dog today, and got her to take the pictures, hoping to get them from her soon! He loves it! It fits perfect! Success!
The other funny thing that happened this evening was that the husbando and I were making dinner, some mahi-mahi, asparagus, and left-over rice, and he kept rinsing the fish in front of where I was rinsing the asparagus. It looked to me like he was offering me the fish juice. I kept saying, "No thank you. I do not want your fish juice." He looked at me oddly the first two times and then he offered me the empty bag the fish was vacuum sealed in, since I was closest to the garbage can. Can you tell we have a very small kitchen? I looked at him and he smiled. We just started laughing about fish juice.
Have a good week!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pre-Moving Maddness!
Friday, March 6, 2009
**Yawn** what a long day!
I have tried to knit this week but don't have much to show for it. 3 rows on my husbands sweater. It is great! I am combining a pattern from Knit Picks- a navy necked zipped front pattern with wide ribbing and set in sleeves; from a beginning knitting book-2x2 ribbing, half zip, thick yarn; and Elizabeth Zimmerman- raglan sleeves; to make this pattern exactly how my husband wants it: That navy collar with the half zip front, 2x2 ribbing in a light worsted/DKweight, in cotton (so I don't have to have horrors at hand washing), in a blue color called Planetarium by Knit Picks, and raglan sleeves.
So the next excitement is that we are in the process of buying a house! Well, house hunting. Right now, every time we are interested, no more offers are being taken on a house. So we will see. I am not going to just settle for a house. I want a pantry, a beautiful kitchen, a nice laundry room, a dining room, a beautiful master bath, and a decent master. Oh, and a knitting room. :)
If I get a house, I get a puppy! I am so excited, I have no idea what kind I want. Well, I have a general idea. Something small, calm, playful with me and friendly with other people. Very snugly too. So what should I get? A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel? A Dachshund? A Corgi? A Jack Russel? Or a Pom? Or how about just a cute little heinz pup? I don't know.. I have started saving for my adoption or purchasing fee for my little friend. I am so excited!
So, tomorrow. House hunting, appointment for the new job, pup hunt? Maybe clean the apartment. Who knows?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
All for today!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Ivan the Rock Star

He is a funny one!
Today I have a big list of things I want to get done:
1. Go to IHOP.
2. Go to the gym and sign us up. (After I am loaded with pancakes!)
3. Clean the cars, get some water for our water dispenser thingy, and go to the meat shop for some steaks, and fruits and spinach.
Speaking of spinach, I had the best Subway sandwich yesterday. I had them toast the wheat bread and had the chicken breast, with one stripe of chipotle sauce and spinach. Fabulous!
I also made a list of the next knit projects I have to finish for people and for myself:
1. a puppy sweater for my cousin's dachshund. I will be done with this today, post tomorrow about it.
2.My husbando's sweater.
3. A Chemo Cap for my new group on Ravelry, I think it is so cool to be able to help other people! (More about this tomorrow)
4. A tushy-load of mitered squares.
5. 2 pairs of Dashings, men's fingerless gloves.
6. A sweater for moi.
Friday, February 27, 2009
On the Road Again
A little about the Parrot. Oh my.. he is a character! He is an African Gray, and they are very much one person birds. This one has finally accepted me as the second parent, and gives me kissies on the nose! At first all I got were bites. Now we have a hilarious and good relationship. He calls us "Dodo" and we call him "Dodo" and he reprimands us and laughs with us and is such a part of our little family.
So, on this road trip to my other house, lately I have been getting carsick, while I am driving. Weird.. So I have been sipping on small sodas for the carbonation, it seems to settle my stomach. I don't like drinking soda much, it seems very chemically, and counter-productive to my weight loss goals.
I lost 2 lbs this week! Almost there.. kind of.. :) Now I just have to eat more fish and vegetables.
I was invited to a new group in Ravelry. If you don't know what Ravelry is.. where have you been? (I really need to learn how to enclose links on this blog, I promise I will get there!) Ravelry is an awesome community for fiber freaks like me. It is amazing. I will talk more about what Ravelry really is another time, but if you are really curious, go to or (hey there is a link!)check out some other blogs about it, everyone has blogged about what it is, and probably a lot more succinctly than myself. This group is called Hearts of Love, and it seems very active. The goal of this group is to make Chemo Caps for patients undergoing therapy, as well as other kind gifts for these individuals. The caps can be donated to any group, but the focus project is to donate to UCDavis Medical Center Cancer Center in Davis, California. This really is special to me because my Grandmother died of cancer and did not have the chance to have treatment. I hope that when I knit a cap or a lap blanket for a patient, some of my love gor my Grandmother and my care for these patients will be felt on some level by the patient. That person will know someone cares, and someone wants them to get better.
Ok thats all for now. Off to the chiropractor, and then on the road again. Good song..